Pıoneer Of Qualıty Steel In Turkey
Continues to set standards for the industry

Asil Çelik is an enterprise which produces hot rolled, heat treated, fully conditioned alloyed, non-alloyed, high-alloyed round, square, hexagonal, flat, grayder blade steel products used in automotive, OEM, machinery and energy industries.

Asil Çelik is the largest quality steel producer of Turkey accepted globally as an accredited quality steel producer and produces 60% of Turkey’s total quality steel production. On the other hand, the company exports approximately 40% of its total production.

Continues Improving By Unifiying Past & Future In The Same Pot Since 1979 Until Today

Asil Çelik A.Ş. has been founded in 1974 to produce quality and alloyed steel products, mostly for automotive industry, and started production in 1979.

Construction of Asil Çelik premises has started in 1974 and started to production in 1979. Investment includes a meltshop with an EAF, rolling mills for bars, finishing lines to control surface and interior quality of the bars as well as the laboratories for the quality control.

A functional organization structure has been designed, special emphasis has been given to specialization and recruitment of experienced and educated personnel in the field of quality and alloyed steel.

Raw materials are supplied from domestic and global markets in compliance with the technical specifications prepared according to international standards. All the raw materials are tested before they are introduced to the system. Main raw material scrap is chosen from scrap types most suitable for quality and alloyed steel production.

Orders from domestic and global markets are produced according to international standards and/or customer requirements. With process controls at every stage of production, the products are made available for shipment to the customer.

The capacity, which was 150.000 ton/year in the beginning, has been increased until year 2000 to 260.000 ton/year crude steel and 235.000 ton/year end-product as a result of new investments and improvements.

After that, the crude steel capacity has reached to 700.000 ton/year, end-product capacity has reached to 450.000 ton/year with the new investments.

Asil Çelik, which underwent a new restructuring process starting in 2012, now conducts all its sales and marketing Taysad Organized Industrial Zone. .

Subsidiaries of Asil Çelik, Asil Çelik Deutschland GmbH has been found in Germany in 2010 and AC Americas Inc. in the USA on January 20, 2016. Both subsidiaries maintain their operations on sales and marketing of high quality steel products.


To be able to supply quality steel needs and requirements of the market with the condition of continuous improvement and realizing customer satisfaction.


To be permanent in the alternating world with the concept of openness and responsibility by encouraging our employees for their creative and constructive ideas and improving the know-how that we have with our innovative corporate culture.